Dear Parishioners,
School is right around the corner. Our first day of school is next Wednesday, August 28th. All summer the faculty, staff, and volunteers of St. Teresa School have been hard at work getting the school ready. The classrooms on the second floor were all painted. New whiteboards and new cork boards replaced aging boards. Floors were polished and skylights cleaned. Curricula were revamped. We have several new teachers (including an additional Pre-K class). The list goes on! A very big thanks goes out to all who helped this summer (particularly in the grueling heat). Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners,
For the month of August we have been reading from chapter six of St. John’s Gospel. It is one of the main proof texts for the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Eucharist, the Mass, and the Real Presence. If anyone ever doubts the Real Presence, direct them to read John 6. But it also seemed appropriate to speak this weekend not only about the Real Presence, but about what the Eucharist actually does. Click the title to read more.