Dear Parishioners,
Our parish bazaar was a big success. Vendors, shoppers, parishioners, volunteers, and families came in great numbers Saturday and Sunday last weekend. It was good to see so many people come together not simply to buy goods, but also to simply come together. As you can imagine such an event does not happen on its own. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Nicole Latendresse, our bazaar coordinator, and her many volunteers from our St. Teresa Cheerleaders. The bazaar would not have happened without her. She was not alone. Thank you to Al Hervieux for planning and coordinating. Likewise, I want to thank John Bianchi who provided the delicious food throughout the weekend and his kitchen and cleaning crew. I think we had a lot of fun serving up clam cakes, chowder, chicken tenders, and chili cheese fries (a late favorite). I also want to thank Kathy Sowa and her crew of volunteers at the Penny Social and 50/50 raffle. This involved a lot of work organizing the gifts, calling the numbers, taking names and everything else needed. Thank you so much to everyone who donated goods, baskets, gifts, and items (they were all very popular!). Thank you to our Seniors, Knitters, and Sewers Group who provided and ran a parish table of knitted goods to support the parish. There were many impressive pieces for sale. Finally, thank you to the Scouts who helped set up the hall for the event (especially hauling the chairs out of the hall to give us more space). In a word, thank you to everyone who helped make this a success. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners,
As I write this column it looks like former President Donald Trump will be reelected as the 47th president of the United States. Regardless of the outcome, Jesus Christ is still king. He has conquered sin and death. So no matter how an election turns out, or how the political winds turn either for or against us, the victory is ultimately ours. I have to say that election day here at St. Teresa went very smoothly (as far as I could tell). People and pollsters were cordial in the church hall. There were supporters of candidates set up at various parts near the church and so the day was filled with honks from car horns of support as people would drive by. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners,
I apologize for the lack of a column last week. We had so many ads and events going on that I wanted to make sure that we had enough space to include all of them in the bulletin. Just this past week in fact we had a blood drive, a presentation on Medicare enrollment, and a presentation on Catholic Principles in Politics. This week we prepare for our parish bazaar during the weekend of November 9th and 10th. I hope to see you there! You might even see me working the kitchen. Click the title to read more.