Dear Parishioners, We have begun the Season of Lent. It can be a wonderful time to grow in our faith in and love of Jesus Christ. The Church proposes three main activities every Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. While these are practices we can do throughout the year, every Lent we redouble or restart our efforts at these practices. In a word, we join Christ in the desert. Here at our parish we have many opportunities for these practices. Just this weekend we have the opportunity to give alms. The Little Sisters of the Poor run Jeanne Jugan Residence Home; it is a well known institution: Well-known for its extraordinary care of its patients. There the sisters, staff and faculty do not just provide physical and psychological care, but also spiritual. The residents have daily opportunities to attend Mass and pray. This weekend we have a chance to hear from the sisters of the good work that goes on there and to show our support. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, It might be difficult to believe, but this week we begin the Season of Lent. Lent can be an amazing time of year if one observes it properly. It is a time to challenge ourselves to be detached from the things of this world and cling more completely to Jesus. The three main pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Of course, Lent does not have to be the only time of the year that we practice these three things because they are essential to Christian faith year round. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, This weekend we begin our part in the Catholic Charity Fund Appeal for the Diocese of Providence. It is our chance to help those in need. Now that I have been a pastor for over a year, and I have seen all the parts of running a parish, I understand the many ways our finances can be strained. This year the increased price of food, rent, housing, electricity, gas, oil, and the like are on the minds of many. It can be difficult to be generous towards others when one struggles to put food on the table. Yet we know that the Lord provides. Click the title to read more.