Dear Parishioners, We had a busy week here in the diocese of Providence. On Thursday, the Most Reverend Richard G. Henning was officially received as the Coadjutor Bishop of Providence at a Mass at the Cathedral. The Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Christophe Pierre was present, as well as Bishop Tobin, Evans, and numerous other clergy and faithful. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, There are two important events that take place at the end of January. First, the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. The March began in January 1974 after the legalization of abortion in 1973. Since then, millions of Americans have attended the march in an effort to not only change the law but change the hearts and minds of Americans. Protecting the life of unborn children in the womb is of paramount importance. The principles behind the pro-life movement have far reaching consequences beyond abortion. A pro-life mentality opposes euthanasia and the killing of those with mental handicaps. It values all human life regardless of race, sex, or ethnicity. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, Last weekend we bid farewell to Mr. Alfred Panone our parish Director of Music for the last five years. In that time he has helped us worship God with his playing, singing, and directing. For the last year and a half it has been a pleasure working with Al. I thank him and wish him well in his retirement. If you would like to send him a thank you, you are welcome to send it to the parish and we will forward it to him. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, Last weekend Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed from this world to God. We pray that he may rest in peace. He was one of the most influential figures in the Church in the last one hundred years (up there with St. John Paul II and Mother Teresa). While a quiet man by nature, his influence spread through his work as a thinker, theologian, and author. His book series Jesus of Nazareth is a wonderful work on our Lord. He gave us the hermeneutic of continuity interpretation of the Second Vatican Council; that the Council should be interpreted not as a break with the past, but as continuous with it. He was only thirty-five years old when he was made a theological expert to the Council. As such he had an influence on many of its documents. He would spend a lot of his life defending and trying to give a proper interpretation to the Council. In addition, he fought against (his words) the “dictatorship of relativism.” Above all, he was in love with Jesus Christ. His last words were “Lord, I love you,” the same last words as our patroness St. Therese of Lisieux. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, Happy New Year to everyone. Many at the beginning of the New Year form lists of resolutions and promises, but why exactly do we celebrate the New Year when we do? Many of us take for granted the dates and times of the months and years, but where did we get our current calendar? Part of the answer reveals an important truth about Catholicism: that it is concerned with all aspects of human good, including the dating of time. Click the title to read more.