Dear Parishioners, God blesses our parish with a school. It gives us a wonderful opportunity to form the next generation. It also gives me an opportunity to visit the classrooms and answer questions. One third grader proposed the question: “How was God able to create the world in only six days?” I always enjoy questions such as these because it gives me an opportunity to speak about the relationship between faith and science. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, I hope that you are able to read this bulletin in printed form. Last weekend our bulletin company was not able to ship bulletins to the parish. The cause: Hurricane Ida flooded their printing facilities, and they were unable to print last week’s bulletins in time. I hope that such incidences will be rare, but in those circumstances, you can always find the most current issue of the bulletin on our parish website and through our Facebook page. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, This weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on our country. We remember in our prayers and Masses those who died on that day and their families. Masses and prayers for the dead, no matter how long after the day of death, help those who have died on their way to heaven. We also pray for all who have died over these last twenty years. More than 2,400 U.S. military personnel and nearly 50,000 Afghan civilians died in the war, with thousands more wounded and permanently injured. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, spoke about the situation in Afghanistan. He said: “I entrust the dead to the mercy of Almighty God and I thank those who are working to help that people so tested, especially the women and children. I appeal to everyone to intensify prayer and practice fasting and penance. Now is the time to do it I’m serious.” Let us pray for the dead and the protection of all our military and those now living under the Taliban who face violence and even death. Click the title to read more.
Dear Parishioners, Once again a very big thank you to everyone who helped out or attended my installation Mass last weekend. It was a honor to have Bishop Tobin, Fr. Joe, Fr. Connors, Fr. Hiep, the parish finance council, the parish council, faculty of St. Teresa School, the Knights of Columbus, and all the parishioners for the ceremony. I look forward to serving you as pastor. Click the title to read more.