While the gift giving at Christmas is still a couple of weeks away our parish has been very generous in so many numerous ways during this season of Advent. First, the Knights of Columbus “Keep Christ in Christmas Breakfast” and Operation R.O.V.A.C. were a big success. Thanks to the work of the Knights and many generous parishioners our local veterans once again will receive needed gifts of supplies, coats, and jackets. Meanwhile, everyone was so generous to our local nursing home: Pawtucket Falls. Every ornament detailing a list of needs was taken, ensuring that no resident went without something to open on Christmas day. Many of the residents at the home do not have family, or do not have family who are local. Likewise, our parish even helped animals this year by supporting one of our Scouts in his Eagle Scout Project. Many donated to his cause to support a local no-kill animal shelter. Someday these animals will be a source of joy to families who adopt them. Thank you to everyone for supporting these causes.
I also need to thank Mr. Christopher Sharples and D’Ambra Construction for their work in excavating and patching the north parking lot entrance. They did a fine job repaving that entryway and ensuring that this often used entrance is in great shape. Also, a thank you to Amanda and Jay Frisina who coordinated our annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony around St. Teresa’s statue. They, along with Mr. Paul Henderson, set up the trees ensuring a beautiful scene right here at our parish. Paul has also been instrumental in replacing and upgrading the lighting in the church. Most of the lights that illuminate the sanctuary have been upgraded. Finally, Mrs. Sheilia Walas made many prayer shawls and prayer squares by hand to ensure that we have this resource for the holidays. Her hard work can be found at the main entrances of the church and the items are available for families in need of a tangible reminder of the power of prayer.
As I said, Christmas has not arrived yet, but that has not stopped us from giving in myriads of ways. Giving is a great way to prepare for the coming of our Savior, who gave the ultimate gift of salvation to us. I hope that everyone is having a blessed and fruitful Advent.