Dear Parishioners, This will be a short bulletin column this week unfortunately, but that does not mean that there is nothing going on in the parish and school. Last week you may have seen some commotion in the Church/School Parking lot. That was our School’s Carnival. Our School PTG, Youth Group and Staff of the School helped plan a night of fun, games, and a movie for our kids Friday June 2nd. Even some of our teachers (and seminarian Jay) participated in the dunk tank (its too bad I am in DC and missed the tank!). Other events this week included: Our Sport’s Banquet, an Award’s Night for our 8th graders, and our 8th Grade Graduation Mass.
You may see me around this weekend as I plan to come back for the 8th Grade Graduation Mass and for a Memorial Service for deceased Pawtucket Fire Fighters. Unfortunately, I cannot stay long. Classes continue to go well here in DC, but it is a lot of material. I have six hours a day (give or take) of classes. I have learned about the validity of laws, how we define law, how we make laws in the Church, how a bishop takes possession of his diocese, how laws are promulgated, and so much more. I look forward to being able to put this knowledge to good use. As one of my Canon Law teachers in seminary once said: “You need to know your rights.” I think rights is next week.