With the Christmas season behind us we are right back to work. The painting project has been put on hold because of the colder weather. Fortunately, the three hallway entrances have been painted. I would ask that people entering the church be attentive to the painted surfaces, particularly handrails. The painters used a very strong and scratch resistant paint, but we should still resist grabbing these surfaces with any sharp objects in our hands like keys. Meanwhile we have had some work done to upgrade other parts of the Church. Our fire suppression system in the Church Hall Kitchen has been upgraded to meet code requirements. The church boiler has a new expansion tank which is ASME certified.
We are still waiting for two new water circulating pumps for both the heating and cooling lines throughout the Church. Given that we are in the middle of heating season, their replacements will likely happen in the spring. Finally, we are waiting for a new threshold at the north entrance of the church. This will ensure that the door closes more easily.
Our Men of St. Teresa our meeting Saturday, January 25 at 7:30am in the Ryan Room. Men 18 years and older are welcome to attend. We discuss topics of the faith and culture pertinent to men, husbands, fathers and grandfathers. We always have a good discussion filled with many different points of view.
It is with great pleasure that I announce a wonderful fundraiser for our school sponsored by the Delaney St. Teresa’s Knights Council 57! They will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, January 25th after the 4pm mass and a Breakfast on Sunday, January 26th from 8am-noon. All proceeds will be designated for the purchase of new window shades for the school. You might have already seen one classroom facing the church parking lot with the new shades.
This Monday we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. and Inauguration Day. It is a day to marvel at our system of government, while at the same time remembering that as citizens of our great country we do what we can to improve it. Therefore in the spirit of St. Paul, we pray for our new president, government officials, and all those entrusted with the public good.
Finally, we need more members in our church choir. I am extremely grateful for our current members who have been very generous with their time, but it does not change the fact that we need more voices to fill out the parts. To be honest, I am disappointed that more people have not joined. When we consider everything that God has done for us, it should impel us to serve Him in the liturgy. Granted, I know many do more than their fair share of work in the community. But the liturgy is also an essential part of serving God and it can’t be neglected. If you have a good singing voice, then that in itself is a sign that God gave you that voice for service to Him and to His people at Mass. Lent is around the corner, and the major solemnities of Holy Week and Easter. Joining the choir for these seasons could be what God is asking of you as a Lenten duty.